It has been a crazy, but great birthday week.
Thursday- I went to Red Robin for my free birthday burger. To make it extra special they gave food poisoning to my 2 friends- but not to me. The best birthday present EVER!
Friday- I enjoyed a 3 hour break with no students- they went to experience High School. So nice.
Saturday- Trip to Philadelphia. It was supposed to be an Amazing Race challenge with the Philly YSA branch. It wasn't too amazing. Wasn't really a race. And there were about 15 Philly members and about 80 from our ward. But I partook of my first Philly Cheesesteak from
Geno's. "wit whiz".
Sunday- my roommate had a little birthday bash for me. Highlight has to be this sweet Disney Princess birthday crown I received.
Monday- my birthday- Only a couple of my students knew it was my birthday. One class sang to me. That was fun. I found out I have the same birthday as one of my students. I would have had a party if I knew that before. I did let her go to the bathroom though. Ha.
Some teachers had a "meeting" that I was invited to. They had a delicious breakfast waiting for me.
For Family Home Evening, they had a super duper Canada Day party in honor of my birthday. We played "Canadian Charades" and "The Answer is Canada". With "Canadian Banana Splits" for the treat. Fun times.
Tuesday- was my final Wilton Level 2 cake decorating class. Here is my final cake. The flowers are made of Royal Icing so they can be used again. And again. And again. Don't look too close at the basket weave.
Wednesday- an FHE meeting with my 2 FHE partners. I think we did more talking than planning.
Thursday- My friend Viddy took me out for my first Gyro. It had fries in it. HELLO! And my roomie took me out for ice cream. Arrived home in time to watch the Office. I love Pam's back up glasses. Ha ha!
Friday- I was just telling some friends yesterday how I rarely get sick. Today my throat started hurting. And I think I am dying. Must be from old age.
For the last 4 years my parents have sent me the same thing for my birthday. A card that reads:
which is giving me permission to use my credit card for "emergencies" to buy something for myself. I haven't bought myself anything yet. Any suggestions?