Sunday, January 13, 2008

Dear love of my life...

According to this email that I posted you only have until Thursday to "approach me and ask me out or grab me and kiss the face off me." If that doesn't happen by Thursday I am pretty sure "no one will like me or ask me again for 5 years". So please- call me. We could go to Sonic. I will even drive. But for it to be considered a date you will need to pay for my tots and slushie. I make a cheap date. But unless I already know you we might have to get to know each other before you kiss my face off. I'm not THAT cheap.


Jenica said...

I really hope someone just comes up to you and kisses your face off. That would be awesome. And a little disturbing what with the lack of face....

Sydney said...

I am laughing so hard right now! I needed that!