After work I went to the grocery store to buy the milk I have been living without since Sunday (I had to make my oatmeal with water this morning... yick). As I was leaving an elderly lady looked at me and said "excuse me miss? Would you mind giving me a ride home?"
I am ashamed to say that I thought "what if she does something to me? Hurts me, takes my money, steals my car." I hate that I thought that. But sad that nowadays we need to be aware of things like that. I asked where she lived and it was not far from my apartment which was not far from the store. She told me of how she just got out of the hospital and had to come get medication and she didn't have a ride.
So I agreed. We chatted as I drove. I asked how she usually got around and she said "I get rides from kind strangers." Wow! I can't even imagine. She mentioned that she had 2 grown children and that they lived in the area. It made me sad that she was getting rides from strangers when her children should be taking her where she needs to go. How grateful I am for the Church. I know that if I needed a ride to or from the grocery store (or anything else) I could call several people for help and not have to rely on the kindness of strangers.
It was an interesting experience.
That is sad that her kids weren't the ones doing that for her...especially after just getting out of the hospital. WOW! Look at you being the good samaritan Shelley! Good thing you are so approachable, and she didn't have to ride w/ some weirdo!
Talk about "cry me a river" - you're super sweetness (and her children's lack there of!) got me a little choked up, I must admit! It makes me think of "The Pursuit of Happyness" (another tear-jerker) and how grateful I am not only for the church, but that my mom had NINE children...that happen to all live within 20 minutes of eachother. With that many siblings/kiddos, there's always someone available to help out!
By the way, it's me, Kate (Montague) Arnett. Thanks for sending me your new blog address! I'm really good at blog-stalking!
well you know where she lives now. so maybe you can stop by every now and again to see if she needs anything. and/or send the missionaries over to her place so she has the church too to help her get around.
That's a bit scary. For her. Brave of you. Sad that these days you have to be so careful of all that. Glad she was a nice lady and not a psycho.
look at you, i prob would have thought the same thing at first, like were are the guys who are going to jack my car that she is "working" for. i learned that mentality from living in the city-you can never be too careful. good to know there are good people out there. ps i just saw that you put me in as "midge" ha ha so funny! yes i love it
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