Monday, November 12, 2007

Monday Manners Moment

I am tired of dealing with rude people so I am going to change the world one etiquette tip at a time. Etiquette is something I focus on in my classes. and so why not make it a part of my blog. I do not profess to be an etiquette professional but I do try. I have read several books and learn so much with each page I turn. Here are some interesting things I have learned from the current book I am reading... (I didn't have the book with me when I first posted this so I have edited it with direct quotes)

1) "A boy may enter a revolving door first to get it started. A girl enters first if it's already moving." (apparently I made the part up about not sharing a "section" but I am SURE I read it somewhere!)

2) the person who called should say goodbye first. "Ending the call isn't only their option, but their responsibility." If you REALLY need to go, then you should politely end the conversation. Interesting.

3) "When someone makes a remark, even 'I see what you mean' or 'hmmm' is better than complete silence. With kids, not responding is an innocent omission, but it's good not to get into the habit." VERY interesting. (see pet peeves post)

Tune in next Monday for another Manners Moment!


aniC said...


aniC said...

that was me not responding to you when you said something to me. hehe. i like those. especially the one about the revolving door is interesting.

I am LoW said...

My husband forgets the responding when someone says something but he's been shocked when I have received a phone call and later said I had to go, he felt like I couldn't/shouldn't do that because I am not the one that made the phone call. I couldn't believe he thought such a thing but looky there, it is after all "good manners."

Sydney said...

Yay! I need these... I'm cllueless as to what's "proper" haha! Very interesting facts there!

Andrea said...

never knew about the phone call thing. Or the revolving door. interesting. give me more miss manners.