The adventures I have in my parents house while they are living it up in the Philippines
Friday, November 30, 2007
Why did I not know these existed?
And why are they still available? A week after Thanksgiving... and not even on sale. If it was, I would have bought it.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Monday Manners Moment...
Here is your lesson on manners for the week.
Since we all have this in common- some "netiquette" for us all to enjoy.
And I quote "Combine the words net and etiquette and you get netiquette: manners for the way people relate to each other on the Internet. The internet is effective only when people using it know the rules and honor them. (you can thank me later for helping to make the internet a little more effective for us all!) Netiquette is meant to keep Internet activity organized and civilized.... Each person should be careful not to overwhelm the system by sending junk e-mail, by sending or requesting information needlessly, or by repeatedly posting the same message.
Chat rooms are meant to be visited by people who think similarly and who want to learn more from each other. If your child doesn't like cats, for example, (this is my favorite part) he shouldn't visit a feline fans chat room and say every negative thing he can about cats. (is this a common problem?)
If your child doesn't keep his interactions on the Internet positive, others will enforce netiquette (darn right we will). He might be "flamed" (flooded with negative, vulgar, and threatening messages), "mailbombed" (hit with so many messages that his system and his provider's system may crash), kicked out of a chat room, dropped by his Internet service provider, or- if things get really bad- sued by someone he's offended." WHAT?!?
and last but not least "never spend most of your free time online."
(be sure to scroll down and check out the video below. It is certainly organized AND civilized.)
Jingity Jing!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
If I had the chance I'd ask the world to dance.
6 things you probably didn't know you wanted to know about me...
1) I can't smile with my teeth showing. Really! It's true. Apparently I have small gums and teeth. My sister (the dental assistant) wants me to have some crazy surgery where they extend your gums. Just thinking about it gives me the heebeegeebees. If Heavenly Father wants me to show my teeth when smiling he will fix it when I am resurrected. Or maybe when all of you will be made perfect, you will smile without showing your teeth! :) Here is proof. Me= no teeth. Martha= teeth.2) I keep a journal of every time I go to the temple. I heard something a few years ago about a lady who had been to the temple like 938 times and I wondered how she knew. I then thought to myself- It might be fun to keep a record. I write down what temple, the date, and who I went with. I have currently been to 20 temples! Only 116 more to go!
3) I like to clean fridges. Weird. I know. There is just something about throwing away nasty food, cleaning it all out and reorganizing everything. I once asked a lady on my mission if I could clean out her fridge for our service. (she said yes). It was in need of SERIOUS help. Need your fridge cleaned? Give me a call!
4) When I drive a car in my dreams it is ALWAYS a standard. I don't really know how to drive a standard. I have learned twice but haven't really been able to put that knowledge to use. Except in my dreams, of course. I am secretly scared the car will explode it I put it in the wrong gear.
5) I learned how to play the ukulele in grades 5 & 6. We played such hits as "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" and "Silhouette". Those were the days. I remember a girl in my class asked our teacher if we could play the song "Stand" by R.E.M. I laugh every time I hear that song. I wish I still had my ukulele. I would be the hit of every party.
6) I really want my family to be on the Family Feud. We, of course, would win lots of money. And wouldn't give dumb answers. One day. I also want to be on the Amazing Race. I don't know who my partner would be. Someone that can drive a standard, speak 12 different languages and wouldn't yell at me or annoy me. It would also be a dream come true to be on Sesame Street. How cool would that be?
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Monday Manners Moment
"Children shouldn't be prompted against their will to kiss people for whom they don't naturally feel affection." (it doesn't say anything about adults!!)
"Don't worry about who get introduced to whom. If you say the name of the more important person first, you'll automatically be handing the introduction properly."
This is dedicated to all those sacrament meeting texters, back rubbers and knitters:
*"It's respectful to focus on the event. Your child might think that the priest won't see him reading a book during the Sunday lesson. One way for your child to evaluate whether or not his behavior is appropriate is to ask himself, 'What if everyone did what I am doing?'"
*Accepting a date:
"A date should be accepted with enthusiasm. You shouldn't be afraid to show happiness at being asked."
Sunday, November 18, 2007
So THAT'S how it is in your family!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Field trips are fun.
They were more interested in their worksheets than actually seeing the sites. I finally forced them out of the visitors center and we headed to the Mansion.Don't worry. They continued working on their worksheets while we waited in line.
And their highlight was standing on the path's brick ledge.
I thoroughly enjoyed the back porch with the fabulous view! One day...And this really cool looking tree...A trip to Mount Vernon wouldn't be complete without playing
Corn on the Cob Toss with the locals...and a trip to the gift shop for a magnet to add to my collection.I will have to go back again someday as that is pretty much all I got to see.
But it was a great day.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Monday Manners Moment
1) "A boy may enter a revolving door first to get it started. A girl enters first if it's already moving." (apparently I made the part up about not sharing a "section" but I am SURE I read it somewhere!)
2) the person who called should say goodbye first. "Ending the call isn't only their option, but their responsibility." If you REALLY need to go, then you should politely end the conversation. Interesting.
3) "When someone makes a remark, even 'I see what you mean' or 'hmmm' is better than complete silence. With kids, not responding is an innocent omission, but it's good not to get into the habit." VERY interesting. (see pet peeves post)
Tune in next Monday for another Manners Moment!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
I would like to introduce you to...
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
It's A Wednesday Miracle...
The drive home, though, is another story....
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
You are all winners to me!
*Sugar Lips
*Lola Falana
*Sweet Caroline
Okay the top 6. I really like them all though. Sheesh this is going to be hard. I loved Darin's suggestion of Margaret but goes by Peggy. Ha ha. I work with a lady that has that name situation. I don't understand...
I am going to sleep on it. Maybe make some cookies tomorrow. And I will get back to you! Feel free to vote for your favorite... but you can't vote for your own!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Welcome to my blog.
My Kitchen-Aid and I have been together for 46 days now. And what a 46 days it's been. We've laughed together. We've cried. We've made sugar cookies, chocolate cookies, rolls, mashed potatoes, and so much more. And we've only just begun. It is time though for him/her to have a name. That is where you come in. Make a comment & suggest a name. A favorite will be chosen and that person will win something. If you are local- perhaps something made in "the soon to be named mixer". If you live far away, I will think of something fun to mail you. If you are a member of my family, your prize will be a visit from me at Christmas. :)
Let the naming begin!