Friday, June 9, 2006

7 more days...

Of school. I am so ready for summer. Especially after today. Sometimes I wonder why I choose to work with 13 year olds. Sometimes I wouldn't have it any other way. Today I am grateful for the weekend. Hope you are enjoying yours.


Kim said...

I'm so excited for you! The end is often the hardest cause you want to be done but time seems to go so slowly, hey? And not to mention the kids get a little out of control from the excitment of the end...Have fun!

Kristi said...

yowsa, vacation time! I am starting to think of teacher gifts! fun fun. I really don't want to have a whole summer of my cranky kids home!! hee hee.

Anonymous said...

Yea! Enjoy your last days. Wish I got a vacation too.

Mikaela said...

Shelley, I'm so glad you don't have many school days left! I'm sorry we've been playing phone tag...I'll try to call you soon!