People are stupid. Here is an example of something that is happening right now in my work inbox. I have no idea who any of these people are. It all started with an email that was reminding us to take a survey for work.
**Don't reply to all unless you want all to read your email. **
email 1-Dear Colleagues,
I know there is so much going on but I do strongly encourage you to take the survey. The county has not had such a survey done countywide in a long time, if ever, and it is important that your opinion is represented.
email 2-Sorry for the error in reply. I have redirected this to my faculty.
email 3-Thanks for your help. However, please be sure to hit reply, instead of Reply to all. Everyone is getting this message.
email 4-blank
email 5-Please don’t reply to all!
Thanks. J
email 6-Not sure why I'm on this email list. Please take me off when you get a chance. Thanks!
email 7-I tried to do it and could not get to the website, even though I repeatedly typed it correctly.
email 8-Just click on the link below. It works. I just tried it.
email 9-I did the survey last week.
email 10-This is getting crazy! My box is so full. Please just reply to one person!
email 11-Please don’t include me = I completed mine last week.
I get messages every 5 min.
E. Williams
Petra – how can I stop this!!
email 12-please remove me as well, thank you, or stop using "reply to all"
email 13-There is a reply and reply ALL button, people. Pay attention to who you WANT to get your emails. :)
email 14-Please delete me as well. Thank you
I hope that is the last email. But I have a feeling it isn't. Seriously people. COME ON!
nope. one more.
email 15-Please stop sending these messages to everyone. If you do not know how to take this step, contact your tech support specialist
and another
email 16-Please stop your emails are going all over the county
updated at 3:56- 33 MORE email have been received. Why are people replying to all to tell people to stop replying to all. Sheesh.