Thursday, January 1, 2009

It Can Be a Great Year!

Happy New Year!
I hope you all had a great Christmas and an exciting New Years!

I have a feeling 2009 is going to be a great year.
Here are my goals for this year:
My friend did such a cute thing for New Year's day.
She made yummy caramel corn.
Canned it at her local Home Storage Center. Made fun labels.
And delivered them anonymously to people. So fun. I need to be more like her. What do you want to accomplish this year?


Andrea said...

That's super cute.
Great goals.
I'm not eating treats for a month, doing my hair and makeup daily and taking a picture a day too. And also exercising daily.Plus more..
Yea for a new year.

Mikaela said...

How is it some people get all the creativity...I guess it is so people like ME can admire their ideas! What a cute one, and I love your goals. I definately want to do all of those too!

Kim said...

What a fun friend!! And I think my list should look a lot like yours...I gotta get working on it :)

Rachel B said...

um i'm definately gonna be checking your blog more often this year,thats for sure! so fun and entertaining. love it!!