Tuesday, December 11, 2007

It is better to be hurt by someone you know accidently than a stranger on purpose.

*When my roommate turns off the bathroom light my bedroom light also goes off. Or if it is off, it goes on.
Should I be concerned?

*The other day I was told "of my 3 wives, you are the best".
Should I be concerned? :)

*Today in my class I made a "milkshake" with oreos, doritos, ice cream, coke, donuts & m&m's. (it had a purpose in my lesson- I promise) There were students in every class that drank it. And some that still wanted to after seeing others gag it down.
Should I be concerned?

*There is a "elfed" thing going around at work where you give 2 people a gift and a letter (explaining what it means to be elfed) and they are supposed to then do the same to 2 more people. I talked to 3 teachers today that have been "elfed" 2 times already.
I haven't been "elfed" at all.
Should I be concerned?

*I ate a whole burrito at Chipotle today. And I liked it.
Should I be concerned?


aniC said...


Andrea said...

I would say yes.

Kristi said...

yes, because you should have shared the buritto with a sister that you love!